結 語
責 編/郭 丹
中國政法大學民商經濟法學院 談 婷
The Value Conflict and Choice of the Identification
of the Parents-Children Relationship
Tan Ting
Abstract: Based on the different characteristics of natural birth and artificial birth in terms of the birth mode, subjects, gene connection and on the different manifestations of their value conflicts, different recognition rules of parents and children's identity relationship should be established. With an analysis in the principles of value rank and interest balance, the legislation should be guided by the principle of maximizing the interests of the minors, and establish the value selection criteria that the natural birth mode is based on the true blood lineage while taking into account the stability of identity, and that the artificial birth mode is based on the subjectivism of parents while taking into account the true blood lineage and the upbringing by both parents.
Keywords: identification of parents-children relationship, value, conflict, choice